Collateral Options For Securing Your First Bail Bond

If a friend or loved one has been arrested and asked you to post their bail, you may be trying to find a way to secure the funds. Bail can be costly, and many people prefer to work with a bondsman instead of trying to pay for it all on their own. If your bondsman has asked for some form of collateral, you do have options. Here are some of the things you should consider to secure the bail bond you need. Read More 

Buying Your First Home? Make Sure You’Re Up To Speed On These Financial Terminology

The first time you go through the home buying process is filled with a lot of new terminology that you're completely unfamiliar with. Make sure you understand what all these financial terms are to have success when working with your realtor and home mortgage company. Earnest Money Once your offer to a seller is accepted, they'll ask that you provide earnest money to move forward with the home buying process. This is money that you pay to the seller as a part of the home's price, and it's to ensure that you will not walk away from the sale without a good reason. Read More