Times To Consider A Hard Money Loan

Hard money loans aren't as common as some other types of loans, and many people may be unfamiliar with what a hard money loan is. These loans can be useful in a variety of situations, though. If you're looking for some extra cash, here are several times when you should consider a hard money loan.  You're Denied for an Unsecured Personal Loan Hard money loans are a type of loan that's written against a tangible property. Read More 

What To Take With You To A Bail Bonds Appointment

Did a loved one recently get arrested? It's an unfortunate time, and you're probably wondering how you can help make the situation better. If you've talked to your loved one who is incarcerated and they are getting ready to post bail, you may want to meet with a bail bondsman to set up an appointment and prepare for the bond hearing. Here are some things you need to have on hand when you go in. Read More 

The Facts About Debt-To-Income Ratios And Mortgages

To qualify for a mortgage, every applicant must have their debt-to-income ratio calculated. This measure is a comparison tool used by lenders to assess the amount of income an applicant has versus the amount of financial obligations they must meet. If you plan to apply for a mortgage anytime soon, it's best to familiarize yourself with the measure. Calculation Guidelines The practice for calculating a debt-to-income ratio is fairly simple. First, add all the income you receive monthly. Read More 

2 Great Reasons To Consider A 203K Loan

Many consumers have goals that they want to achieve in life. One common goal among individuals is the desire to be a homeowner. However, some individuals have doubts that they will ever be able to accomplish their dream. Some fear that they lack the resources and income to buy a home that has never been lived in. They flat out rule out the chance of ever being able to buy a brand new home. Read More 

Fees To Expect With A VA Loan

If you take the time to analyze different mortgage types, you might discover that a VA loan is the right option for you. If so, this is a fantastic choice of loan program, as it offers many benefits. Next, though, you should research the fees and expenses tied to VA loans, so you can get a good idea of how much the loan will cost. Here are several things to know about the fees and expenses associated with VA loans. Read More